Havila Schiffe

Norwegen - 6 Tage


An Bord der Reise in südlicher Richtung von Kirkenes nach Bergen legen Sie am Tage in den zahlreichen Häfen der Lofoten an. Sie passieren die unzähligen Inseln der Helgelandskysten und haben genug Zeit, den Nidarosdom zu besichtigen und die Köstlichkeiten der Gourmetstadt Trondheim zu genießen.




  • 6 Tage
  • 33 Häfen
  • Tromsø
  • Lofoten
  • Helgelandskysten
  • Nidarosdom
  • Die Gourmetstadt Trondheim
  • Kostenfreies WLAN
  • Vollpension
  • Geräumige Kabinen

Abfahrten und Preise

Preise pro Person
AbfahrtAnkunftAb Preis EUR
01 Oct 202431 Oct 2024641
01 Nov 202430 Nov 2024641
01 Dec 202431 Dec 2024641
01 Jan 202531 Jan 2025813
01 Feb 202528 Feb 2025854
01 Mar 202531 Mar 2025879
01 Apr 202530 Apr 2025879
01 May 202531 May 2025919
01 Jun 202530 Jun 20251,204
01 Jul 202531 Jul 20251,285
01 Aug 202531 Aug 20251,164
01 Sep 202530 Sep 20251,082
01 Oct 202531 Oct 2025960
01 Nov 202530 Nov 2025797
01 Dec 202531 Dec 2025797
Preise pro Person
AbfahrtAnkunftPreis ab EUR
01 Oct 202431 Oct 2024641
01 Nov 202430 Nov 2024641
01 Dec 202431 Dec 2024641
01 Jan 202531 Jan 2025813
01 Feb 202528 Feb 2025854
01 Mar 202531 Mar 2025879
01 Apr 202530 Apr 2025879
01 May 202531 May 2025919
01 Jun 202530 Jun 20251,204
01 Jul 202531 Jul 20251,285
01 Aug 202531 Aug 20251,164
01 Sep 202530 Sep 20251,082
01 Oct 202531 Oct 2025960
01 Nov 202530 Nov 2025797
01 Dec 202531 Dec 2025797


Havila 6 Tage von Kirkenes nach Bergen:

Tag 1 – Kirkenes - Vardø - Båtsfjord - Berlevåg

Willkommen an Bord! Im Rahmen der Ausflüge können Sie bis an die russische Grenze fahren, oder wie wäre es mit einem Besuch im Eishotel, das vollständig aus Schnee und Eis gebaut wurde?

-    Das Eishotel von Kirkenes, Kirkenes
-    Königskrabben-Expedition mit dem Schneemobil auf dem zugefrorenen Fjord, Kirkenes
-    Hundeschlitten in der Arktis, Kirkenes
-    Schneemobil-Safari in der Arktis, Kirkenes
-    Die russische Grenze, Kirkenes
-    Königskrabben-Expedition mit Schlauchboot, Kirkenes

*Um an den Ausflügen in Kirkenes teilnehmen zu können, ist die Anreise am Vortag notwendig.

Tag 2 - Mehamn - Kjøllefjord - Honningsvåg - Havøysund - Hammerfest - Øksfjord - Skjervøy – Tromsø

Nun laufen Sie die Häfen, in denen Sie nordgehend nachts waren, überwiegend am Tage an. Am Abend erreichen Sie Tromsø, das den Beinamen „Paris des Nordens“ trägt.

-    Mit Schneemobil fahren durch die Polarnacht, Mehamn
-    Frühstück am Nordkap, Honningsvåg
-    Das Beste aus der nördlichsten Stadt der Welt, Hammerfest
-    Stadtrundgang mit Ritterschlag, Hammerfest
-    Mitternachtskonzert in der Eismeerkathedrale, Tromsø

Tag 3 - Finnsnes - Harstad - Risøyhamn - Sortland - Stokmarknes - Svolvær – Stamsund

Sie passieren erneut die wilden und idyllischen Lofoten. Unterhalb der spitzen Gipfel liegen kreideweiße Sandstrände und Fischerdörfer. Wenn es die Wetterbedingungen zulassen, fahren wir in den schmalen Trollfjord hinein. Hier haben Sie die seltene Chance, einen Seeadler in freier Natur zu beobachten.

-    Der Geschmack der Vesterålen, Harstad
-    Seeadlersafari im Trollfjord, im Schlauchboot vom Schiff aus
-    Adlersafari mit dem Schlauchboot, Svolvær
-    Erleben Sie die Lofoten, Svolvær
-    Der Geschmack der Lofoten, Svolvær
-    Golf auf Lofoten Links, Svolvær
-    Die Lofoten vom Sattel aus, Svolvær
-    Brauereibesichtigung und Bierverkostung, Svolvær
-    Wanderung am schönsten Strand Europas, Svolvær

Tag 4 - Bodø - Ørnes - Sandnessjøen - Brønnøysund – Rørvik

Inzwischen befinden wir uns wieder so weit im Süden, dass wir den Polarkreis überqueren und die Polarnächte und taghellen Nächte hinter uns zurücklassen. Im Winter haben Sie jedoch weiterhin die Chance, das Nordlicht zu sehen und in den Sommernächten wird es auch hier kaum dunkel.

-    Wanderung zum Torghatten, Brønnøysund
-    Das norwegische Lachsmärchen, Brønnøysund
-    Der Unesco-Welerbe Vega, Brønnøysund

Tag 5 - Trondheim - Kristiansund - Molde – Ålesund

Sie befahren den breiten Trondheimsfjord. In Kristiansund können Sie das Schiff verlassen und sich über die Atlantik-Straße fahren lassen, die zur schönsten Autoroute der Welt gekürt wurde.

-    Trondheim und der Nidarosdom, Trondheim
-    Die-Atlantik-Straße und das Marmorbergwerk Bergtatt, Kristiansund
-    Zauber der Atlantik-Straße, Kristiansund

Tag 6 - Torvik - Måløy - Florø – Bergen

Der letzte Tag Ihrer Reise führt Sie entlang einer vielseitigen Küstenlandschaft mit Bergkuppen und einem Labyrinth aus Meerengen und Wasserstraßen. Am Ende dieser Reise erwartet Sie die Hafenstadt Bergen. Wir hoffen, Sie haben auf dieser Reise entlang der norwegischen Küste zahlreiche unvergessliche Erinnerungen gesammelt und freuen uns auf ein Wiedersehen.

Havila Schiffe (Expedition, 640-Gäste)

Havila hat eine Flotte von vier identischen Schiffen - Havila Castor, Havila Capella, Havila Polaris und Havila Pollux. Die Inneneinrichtung der Schiffe ist vom Meer, dem Himmel, den Bergen und Gletschern inspiriert, und die servierten Speisen sind traditionelle Gerichte aus den umliegenden Städten und Dörfern entlang der Route. Sie können das Nordlicht und die Mitternachtssonne beobachten, während Sie in einem bequemen Liegestuhl unter dem Glasdach sitzen. Mit den modernen Gas/Hybrid Antrieben, gehören die Havila Schiffe zu den umweltfreundlichsten an der norwegischen Küste.

(Klicken Sie auf das Bild, um die Schiffsdetails anzuzeigen)


Was ist im Preis enthalten?

•    Kabinennummer wird an Board vergeben.
•    Kabinenkategorie ist garantiert.
•    Vollpension: Frühstück, Mittag- und Abendessen im Hauptrestaurant.
•    WLAN

Havila Gold:

Fügen Sie Havila Gold zu Ihrer Reise hinzu und genießen Sie eine zusätzliche Auswahl an Speisen sowie zusätzlichen Service und Angebote an Bord.
In der Junior- und Präsidentensuite enthalten.

Goldene Vorteile:

•    Speisen und Getränke
•    Willkommenspaket in der Kabine mit Sekt und exklusiven Spezialitäten
•    Die exklusiven Havila Gold-Zusatzgerichte zum Frühstück, Mittag- und Abendessen.
•    Verschiedene Kaffee und Tee Sorten, wann immer und so oft Sie mögen in allen Restaurants an Bord.
•    Mineralwasser und kaltgepresste Säfte zu allen Mahlzeiten in den Restaurants.


•    Ein Begrüßungsgetränk und Snacks nach dem Check-in in Bergen oder Kirkenes.
•    Roomservice vom Bordmenü ohne Preisaufschlag
•    Rabatte auf ausgewählte Artikel im Shop

Havila Gold vergoldet Ihren Urlaub, indem es Ihnen zusätzliche Auswahlmöglichkeiten beim Essen, gute Angebote für Aktivitäten und Waren bietet und den Alltag auf der Reise erleichtert.
Sie können jedes beliebige Element aus dem Zusatzmenü wählen. Die Mahlzeiten vom Bordmenü können Sie auch ohne Aufpreis zu Ihrer Kabine bringen lassen.

Genießen Sie goldene Tage an Bord der Havila Schiffe.

STAMSUND Meet and greet Lofoten
Richtung: Both Directions
Hafen, in dem Sie an Land gehen: Stamsund
Hafen, in dem Sie wieder an Bord gehen: Svolvær
Zeitraum: 19:15-21:50
Mahlzeit: None
Niveau: 1
Saison: Summer, Autumn (Apr 4- Aug 31)
Min/max personen: 12-240
Buchungscode: STUN1
Preis: from 116 EUR per Person

The main stop is Kabelvåg, the oldest fishing village in Lofoten and previously also the largest. This is where the commercial part of Lofoten fishing started more than 1,000 years ago.

You can visit Galleri Espolin or the Lofoten Museum. The museum includes one of the best preserved landowner farms in Lofoten and provides an insight into the contrast between the fishermen's harsh living conditions and the luxurious lifestyle of the owners of the fisheries. In addition to the stately main building from 1815 there are also exhibitions on Lofoten's fishing history  with authentic fishermen's cabins and boathouses featuring the famous Nordland boats.

In Galleri Espolin, you can admire a large collection of Kaare Espolin Johnson's art , know for portraying the sea, the magnificent landscape and the fishermen's hard lives and life in Lofoten. 

KIRKENES Snowhotel Kirkenes
Richtung: Both Directions
Hafen, in dem Sie an Land gehen: Kirkenes
Hafen, in dem Sie wieder an Bord gehen: Kirkenes
Zeitraum: 9:00-12:00
Mahlzeit: Snacks and a welcome drink
Niveau: 1
Saison: All year round
Min/max personen: 1-135
Buchungscode: KKNB3
Preis: from 111 EUR per Person

Ice cubes in the glass, of course, but when the table, the chairs, the walls, the counter, the candlesticks, the decor and even the fireplace are made of ice, then it really is a snow hotel! Join us for an unforgettable visit to the hotel where everything is made of snow and ice.

You will be picked up by bus at the quay. Arriving at the snow hotel, you will meet the reindeer before you are welcomed inside for a drink in the ice bar. Visit the huskies in the kennel, and enjoy a snack in the restaurant before returning by bus.

KIRKENES King crab with a snowmobile on the frozen fjord
Richtung: Both Directions
Hafen, in dem Sie an Land gehen: Kirkenes
Hafen, in dem Sie wieder an Bord gehen: Kirkenes
Zeitraum: 9:00-12:00
Mahlzeit: Generous servings of king crab
Niveau: 1
Saison: Winter (12 Dec - 20 Apr)
Min/max personen: 1/24
Buchungscode: KKNB6
Preis: from 255 EUR per Person

This is the toughest winter adventure. Snowmobiles, a frozen fjord and one of the giants of the sea.

The bus takes you from the quay to the base to get changed and receive safety instructions. You are driven out to the ice with a snowmobile and sled where you pull crab pots with local fishermen. Feast on king crab at the local fjord restaurant before the bus takes you back to the quay.

KIRKENES Dog sledding in the Arctic
Richtung: Both Directions
Hafen, in dem Sie an Land gehen: Kirkenes
Hafen, in dem Sie wieder an Bord gehen: Kirkenes
Zeitraum: 9:00-12:00
Mahlzeit: Snacks and hot drinks in the restaurant
Niveau: 1
Saison: Winter, spring (01 Jan - 20 May)
Min/max personen: 1/40
Buchungscode: KKNB4
Preis: from 255 EUR per Person

Get on the sled, and allow yourself be pulled across the white expanses by pure dog power, before greeting and petting the dogs in the yard.

The bus will be waiting at the quay to bring you to the base, where you get to meet the dogs and are given instructions and suitable clothing. A five-kilometre dog sledding round trip. Snacks and hot drinks in the restaurant. Bus back to your Havila Kystruten ship.Wear comfortable shoes and warm clothes.

KIRKENES Snowmobile safari in the Arctic
Richtung: Both Directions
Hafen, in dem Sie an Land gehen: Kirkenes
Hafen, in dem Sie wieder an Bord gehen: Kirkenes
Zeitraum: 9:00-12:00
Mahlzeit: Hot drinks
Niveau: 2
Saison: Winter and spring (15 Dec - 5 May)
Min/max personen: 2-40
Buchungscode: KKNB2
Preis: from 223 EUR per Person

Imagine zooming over the ice-covered fjord or the snow-covered expanses, where you are the one driving the snowmobile through the winter landscape.

You will be picked up by bus at the quay. Snowmobile instructions and clothing will be provided at the snowmobile base. Return to the ship by bus. The excursion requires generally good health and a Class B driver's licence (must be 18 years of age). Maximum two people share a snowmobile. Children must be at least ten years of age.

KIRKENES The Russian border
Richtung: Both Directions
Hafen, in dem Sie an Land gehen: Kirkenes
Hafen, in dem Sie wieder an Bord gehen: Kirkenes
Zeitraum: 9:00-12:00
Mahlzeit: None
Niveau: 1
Saison: All year round
Min/max personen: 14/252
Buchungscode: KKNB1
Preis: from 111 EUR per Person

Throughout time, Kirkenes has been characterized by its proximity to Russia. Visit the Russian border, and gain some insight into what the close relationship between neighbours meant during World War II.

You are picked up by a bus at the quay and taken to the Russian border, but it's not allowed to pass the border. Several stops along the way in interesting places. Back to Andersgrotta and the memorial monument for the Russian army before you are shuttled back to the Havila Kystruten ship. There are steep stairs and difficult terrain down to Andersgrotta, so it is not suitable for people with reduced mobility. We recommend warm clothes and comfortable footwear.

KIRKENES King crab fishing in a RIB
Richtung: Both Directions
Hafen, in dem Sie an Land gehen: Kirkenes
Hafen, in dem Sie wieder an Bord gehen: Kirkenes
Zeitraum: 9:00-12:00
Mahlzeit: Generous portions of king crab
Niveau: 1
Saison: Summer (21 Apr - 30 Nov)
Min/max personen: 2-24
Buchungscode: KKNB5
Preis: from 223 EUR per Person

You get to haul the king crab up from the depths before the RIB takes you back to the quay and the rustic restaurant where you can enjoy a sumptuous meal of white, juicy crab meat.

Transport, guide, warm clothes and survival suits are included in the price. Getting changed and safety instructions at the base. Bus there and back. Children must be at least 7 years old.  The trip is suitable for most people, but you must be able to sit on the "saddle seat". Not recommended for people with back problems.

MEHAMN Snowmobile trip in the polar night
Richtung: Southbound
Hafen, in dem Sie an Land gehen: Mehamn
Hafen, in dem Sie wieder an Bord gehen: Kjøllefjord
Zeitraum: 00:45-03:00
Mahlzeit: Hot drinks
Niveau: 2
Saison: Winter, spring (15 Dec - 30 Apr)
Min/max personen: 4-32
Buchungscode: MEHS1
Preis: from 393 EUR per Person

Snowmobiling through the polar night and into the northernmost mainland of Europe.  An arctic experience under the dancing Northen Lights and between our to northernmost harbours.  

Warm layers are recommended. Snowmobile suits, shoes, gloves and helmets will be ready for you. You must have a driving licence that allows you to drive in Norway. This excursion goes through an open mountain landscape, and it may be cancelled if the weather is bad.

HONNINGSVÅG Breakfast at the North Cape Plateau
Richtung: Southbound
Hafen, in dem Sie an Land gehen: Honningsvåg
Hafen, in dem Sie wieder an Bord gehen: Hammerfest
Zeitraum: 05:45-12:30
Mahlzeit: Continental breakfast with a large and varied menu.
Niveau: 1
Saison: Spring, summer, autumn (8 May - 7 Oct)
Min/max personen: 21 - 252
Buchungscode: HVGS1
Preis: from 212 EUR per Person

This will be the northernmost breakfast of your life right on the edge of the European Continent and at the ends of the Earth.

Wear comfortable shoes, and warm, windproof clothing. The bus takes you from Honningsvåg via North Cape to Hammerfest where you board the Havila Voyages ship once again.

HARSTAD A taste of Vesterålen
Richtung: Southbound
Hafen, in dem Sie an Land gehen: Harstad
Hafen, in dem Sie wieder an Bord gehen: Sortland
Zeitraum: 08:15-12:30
Mahlzeit: Local pastry, coffe/tea
Niveau: 1
Saison: All year round
Min/max personen: 16-252
Buchungscode: HRDS1
Preis: from 132 EUR per Person

This tour takes you through Vesterålen's beautiful scenery and exciting history where, among other things, you visit a living medieval farm.

The tour bus waits at the quay and takes you through Harstad to Trondenes* Church for a guided tour and tourist devotions. Visit to Trondenes Historical Centre and the medieval farm with actors and live animals. Onwards by bus with photo stops and a stop for waffles, local "lefse" (traditional soft Norwegian flatbread) and tea/coffee. Then you board the Havila Voyages ship in Sortland.

*In the period 25 of August 2022 - 1 of December 2022, the excursion will visit Harstad Church for a tour and Church service, due to renovation of Trondenes Church

SVOLVÆR Sea Eagle Safari in Trollfjorden
Richtung: Southbound
Hafen, in dem Sie an Land gehen: Disembarkation from the ship in open sea
Hafen, in dem Sie wieder an Bord gehen: Embarkation to the ship in open sea
Zeitraum: 16:30-18:30 (+ 2 hours in Svolvær)
Mahlzeit: Hot drinks
Niveau: 1
Saison: Spring, summer (23 Mar - 30 Sep)
Min/max personen: 30-65
Buchungscode: SVJS7
Preis: from 180 EUR per Person

We take a boat trip on the M/S Øykongen, which brings us close to nature and wildlife in the magical Trollfjord. On a bright summer evening, we travel in the hope of encountering the majestic sea eagle.

The excursion is suitable for most people, but disembarkation from the Havila Voyages ship to the tour boat takes place in the open sea.

SVOLVÆR Experience Lofoten
Richtung: Southbound
Hafen, in dem Sie an Land gehen: Svolvær
Hafen, in dem Sie wieder an Bord gehen: Stamsund
Zeitraum: 18:40-22:00
Niveau: 1
Saison: Spring, Summer (9 Apr - 31 Aug)
Min/max personen: 14/252
Buchungscode: SVJS4
Preis: from 137 EUR per Person

Here you will wind your way along the steep Lofoten mountains with views of a myriad of small islands and islets.

The guides meet you at the quay in Svolvær where you board the buses. A photo stop at Lofoten Cathedral before the journey continues on a trip to Henningsvær. By bus onwards to Stamsund, where you reboard the ship.

SVOLVÆR Brewery visit and beer tasting, southbound
Richtung: Southbound
Hafen, in dem Sie an Land gehen: Svolvær
Hafen, in dem Sie wieder an Bord gehen: Svolvær
Zeitraum: 18:30-20:30
Niveau: 1
Saison: All year round
Min/max personen: 8 - 40
Buchungscode: SVJS3
Preis: from 52 EUR per Person

Sample what happens when fresh mountain water from Lofoten combines with malt, hops and yeast to create the taste of Lofoten.

We take a short walk from the ship to the brewery where we get a 45-minute guided tour. Afterwards, you can take a walk on your own in the centre of Svolvær for about half an hour before you need to be back on the ship.

SVOLVÆR Golfing at Lofoten Links
Richtung: Southbound
Hafen, in dem Sie an Land gehen: Svolvær
Hafen, in dem Sie wieder an Bord gehen: Stamsund
Zeitraum: 18:40-22:00
Niveau: 2
Saison: Spring, summer (1 May - 20 Aug)
Min/max personen: 4-8
Buchungscode: SVJS6
Preis: from 334 EUR per Person

One of the world's most impressive golf courses! Lofoten Links has been featured in several international golf magazines and has several top positions among the world's best golf courses. So if you are a golfer – this must be on your bucket list.

Bus to the golf course where you get information about the facility and pick up golf equipment. On this excursion, you would normally manage nine holes. Rental of golf set, bag and cart is included in the price but must be booked in advance. Please let us know whether you are playing from the right or the left. Balls, pegs and gloves can be bought on the court. Minimum handicap is 54.

SVOLVÆR Horse riding in Lofoten
Richtung: Southbound
Hafen, in dem Sie an Land gehen: Svolvær
Hafen, in dem Sie wieder an Bord gehen: Stamsund
Zeitraum: 18:40-22:00
Mahlzeit: None
Niveau: 3
Saison: All year round, not 31 Dec
Min/max personen: 2-16
Buchungscode: SVJS5
Preis: from 191 EUR per Person

The first people who came to Lofoten settled on Gimsøy, and most activity that occurred during the Viking Age took place here. Now you get to ride over the same fields and white sandy beaches as the Vikings did.

The guides meet you at the quay and come with you to the farm and on the ride. Wear comfortable shoes and warm clothes. The guides will provide us with all the equipment we need. The minimum age limit is five years. Participants must not weigh more than 110 kilos.

SVOLVÆR Hike by the best beach in Europe
Richtung: Southbound
Hafen, in dem Sie an Land gehen: Svolvær
Hafen, in dem Sie wieder an Bord gehen: Stamsund
Zeitraum: 18:40-22:00
Mahlzeit: None
Niveau: 2
Saison: Summer (1 May - 31 August)
Min/max personen: 14 - 45
Buchungscode: SVJS8
Preis: from 121 EUR per Person

Chalky white sand, iridescent green fields and turquoise seas beneath the wild mountains of the Lofoten Islands.  Come on a hike, and enjoy the spectacular views.

The route is mostly along an old forest path and good gravel paths, although there are a few short sections on the way down that are slightly more challenging.  Wear comfortable shoes and warm clothes, and bring something to drink.

SVOLVÆR Sea eagle safari in a RIB
Richtung: Southbound
Hafen, in dem Sie an Land gehen: Svolvær
Hafen, in dem Sie wieder an Bord gehen: Svolvær
Zeitraum: 18:30-20:00 (one hour at the rib)
Mahlzeit: None
Niveau: 2
Saison: Spring, Summer (1 Apr - 8 Sep)
Min/max personen: 4/24
Buchungscode: SVJS2
Preis: from 159 EUR per Person

White sandy beaches and turquoise water. Beneath the wild Lofoten mountains lie idyllic bays and coves between islets and skerries and the sea eagle patrols the entire area. The RIB tour from Svolvær takes you into such a sheltered lagoon with a stop to capture the colourful splendour in a photo.

Short walk to the base. Wear comfortable shoes, and warm, windproof clothing. Survival suits and gloves are provided. The excursion is not suitable for guests with back problems. The minimum age limit is eight years/140 centimeters, and there should be one adult per child.

BRØNNØYSUND Hiking at Torghatten
Richtung: Southbound
Hafen, in dem Sie an Land gehen: Brønnøysund
Hafen, in dem Sie wieder an Bord gehen: Brønnøysund
Zeitraum: 15:00 - 17:30
Mahlzeit: Coffee
Niveau: 3
Saison: Spring, summer, autumn (1 Apr - 31 Oct)
Min/max personen: 13 - 45
Buchungscode: BNNS1
Preis: from 132 EUR per Person

Come along to one of the most distinctive mountains that we sail past on the Havila Voyages ship: Torghatten, the mountain with a big hole right through it.

Bus to the foot of Torghatten. Guided tour up to the hole where coffee is served. Return by bus to the quay. Wear warm, windproof clothing and comfortable shoes. The tour up to Torghatten is short, but very steep.

BRØNNØYSUND The Norwegian salmon adventure
Richtung: Southbound
Hafen, in dem Sie an Land gehen: Brønnøysund
Hafen, in dem Sie wieder an Bord gehen: Brønnøysund
Zeitraum: 15:00 - 17:15
Mahlzeit: None
Niveau: 1
Saison: All year round
Min/max personen: 15/45
Buchungscode: BNNS2
Preis: from 127 EUR per Person

Visit a fish farm, and see salmon swimming around in the cold, clear water.

Bus to the facility. Visit to control rooms, gutting rooms and the outdoor facility before an indoor exhibition. Bus back to your Havila Voyages ship.Wear comfortable shoes and warm, windproof clothing.

BRØNNØYSUND Experience the World Heritage listed Vega Islands
Richtung: Southbound
Hafen, in dem Sie an Land gehen: Sandnessjøen
Hafen, in dem Sie wieder an Bord gehen: Brønnøysund
Zeitraum: 11:45-17:30
Mahlzeit: Local snack and coffe/tea
Niveau: 1
Saison: 1 Jun - 30 Sep
Min/max personen: 15/45
Buchungscode: SSJS1
Preis: from 318 EUR per Person

Small shelters for eider ducks that for 1,500 years have almost been like a domestic animal. It is this sustainable tradition that has given it a place on the UNESCO World Heritage List. This excursion is definitely one of the major highlights of the southbound cruise along the coast

The guide will meet you at the quay and accompany you throughout the tour in a comfortable speedboat. Guided tour of the world heritage exhibition. Tea/coffee and local snacks.

TRONDHEIM Trondheim and the Nidaros Cathedral
Richtung: Southbound
Hafen, in dem Sie an Land gehen: Trondheim
Hafen, in dem Sie wieder an Bord gehen: Trondheim
Zeitraum: 07:15 - 09:20
Mahlzeit: None
Niveau: 1
Saison: All year round
Min/max personen: 12 -294
Buchungscode: TRDS1
Preis: from 105 EUR per Person

Trondheim with its small town charm and colourful, old wooden houses from the 17th century, is also home to modern sports facilities, educational and research institutions and a lively nightlife.

The guides will meet you at the quay. Bus through the city centre into Nidaros Cathedral and then bus back to the quay. The visit in the church lasts for about 40 minutes, included a 20 minute long guided tour.

KRISTIANSUND The Atlantic Road and Bergtatt marble mine
Richtung: Southbound
Hafen, in dem Sie an Land gehen: Kristiansund
Hafen, in dem Sie wieder an Bord gehen: Molde
Zeitraum: 16:30 - 21:20
Mahlzeit: Soup with local ingredients and the mine's own spring water to drink. You can also have a late dinner on board the ship.
Niveau: 1
Saison: (15 Sep - 30 Apr, not 19-31 Dec and 1 - 3 Jan)
Min/max personen: 20 - 150
Buchungscode: KSUS2
Preis: from 169 EUR per Person

This can be the tour where you are on a bus that drives over the sea and a boat that goes into the mountains.

Wear warm clothing and comfortable shoes. The temperature in the mine is 6–8 degrees all year round. The main hall is heated. A helmet and life jacket are provided. The boat ride through the mine shafts takes about 15 minutes.

KRISTIANSUND Experience the Atlantic Ocean Road
Richtung: Southbound
Hafen, in dem Sie an Land gehen: Kristiansund
Hafen, in dem Sie wieder an Bord gehen: Molde
Zeitraum: 16:30 - 21:20
Mahlzeit: Dinner with dessert, water and tea/coffee.
Niveau: 1
Saison: Spring, summer (11 Apr - 10 Sep, not 17th of May)
Min/max personen: 14 - 90
Buchungscode: KSUS1
Preis: from 169 EUR per Person

More than eight kilometres of road that winds past the open sea and over skerries and islets. No wonder the Atlantic Ocean Road has been named one of the world's most beautiful roads.

You will be picked up at the quay in Kristiansund by bus. Information will be provided in Norwegian, English and German. Other languages on request. Board the ship in Molde.

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